go cd "multiple reports" of stack "Intro to HyperCard 2.0"
end mouseUp
-- part 4 (field)
-- low flags: 81
-- high flags: 2004
-- rect: left=277 top=61 right=190 bottom=414
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 0
-- font id: 174
-- text size: 14
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 15
-- part name: info 1
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseUp
hide me
end mouseUp
-- part contents for card part 1
----- text -----
Once you have selected all the items for your report, and have specified their fonts, you will see the Edit report items dialog look like this: it will show the individual parts of your report in full size,
exactly as they will print.
-- part contents for card part 4
----- text -----
You can change the fonts for these items at any time, and you can change the their sizes at any time, as well.